OpenCaching Meet Up @ GeoWoodstock X

You want to get involved in the Opencaching Network?

We had a small informal meetup at GeoWoodstock IX, but this time it'll be an officially listed event.

This is currently listed on OpenCaching North America, but would be more than willing to see it crosslisted on other OC sites for greater visibility.  I know from come from around the globe to attend GeoWoodstock and would love to meet any other OC users who make it to Sellersburg in May.

[url=]OCNA Meet Up @ Sellersburg Mega[/url]
I have a feeling there will be LOTS of other cachers in this park on May 26, 2012, including OCNA members from around the country.

Show up sometime between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Saturday, 26 May 2012.

Depending on the layout and schedule of events, the details may vary.  Figure we may as well meet up and make it official, this time.

Do be sure to add a "Will attend..." log to the cache page and watch the listing.

I'll post updated details, once I've got a better idea of the the details of the other event going on around us.

I am posting the hours as 9-5, so even if you end being here too late or too early, look for me and I'll have the log book on me.

If you have any Moving Caches, travelling BITcaches, or  GeoKrets to be logged or moved along, bring them with you.

Hopefully, this will be the best attended OCNA event, to date.
Beiträge: 6626
Registriert: 04.12.2009, 00:31

[quote="DudleyGrunt"]This is currently listed on OpenCaching North America, but would be more than willing to see it crosslisted on other OC sites for greater visibility. [/quote]


BTW, is the oc-only attribute still justified?

Hi Dudley...

I don´t get it...pls help me understand ::)

You don´t want cross listed physical caches in your database
(mine, that I posted on your plattform as a supportive friendly  WELCOME to the Opencachingworld, was archived without any notice !)
WHY the heck should we care about your cheesy lill´ event somewhere in the sticks in .....Indiana ???  :-X




BTW, is the oc-only attribute still justified?

Cool.  I don't consider it a crosslisting of GWX, but not it is not technically "OCUS ONLY".  Maybe we need to change that attribute to "OC (community) ONLY".  Hmm...

Hi Dudley...

I don´t get it...pls help me understand ::)

You don´t want cross listed physical caches in your database
(mine, that I posted on your plattform as a supportive friendly  WELCOME to the Opencachingworld, was archived without any notice !)
WHY the heck should we care about your cheesy lill´ event somewhere in the sticks in .....Indiana ???  :-X



You had a cache on OpenCaching.US archived without notice?  I'm sorry for that and I would not have done so, myself.  When was this?  Where was it?  I think that early on we had some caches in other countries that already had an OC node and that RVRoadTrip tried to clean these up.  I'd assumed he would have contacted the owners, but I wasn't involved directly.

Well, as to why other OC community members my care about this event is that they might be coming out for GeoWoodstock X and might want to stop by our meet up.
Zuletzt geändert von DudleyGrunt am 30.03.2012, 18:33, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.