Die Suche ergab 103 Treffer

von harrieklomp
15.05.2022, 23:00
Forum: Public discussion
Thema: opencaching.nl defekt?
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 11254

Re: opencaching.nl defekt?

Bei mir funktioniert alles auch gut :devil:

Das Forum ist jetzt wieder up to date und geht wie es sein muss.

Irgendwie gibt es ab und zu ein Problem mit ein neuen Account. Ich weiß leider auch nicht was die Ursache ist.

von harrieklomp
14.05.2018, 20:14
Forum: Public discussion
Thema: Opencaching.nl
Antworten: 26
Zugriffe: 62273

Re: Opencaching.nl

[quote="Hanekju"] Opencaching.nl is back! Maybe this time I'll take a look at the 120 borderstones which are less then 25 kilometers away from me ;) [/quote] Yes Hanekju, we are back online  :D Normal i wait a view days to check if all works like it should but you are ahead of me  ;) Sure ...
von harrieklomp
08.05.2018, 19:43
Forum: Public discussion
Thema: Opencaching.nl
Antworten: 26
Zugriffe: 62273

Re: Opencaching.nl

[quote="mic@"] opencaching.nl is down... [/quote] That is correct, unfortunately  :( Because we wanted a upgrade we moved all to a new server. All is ready to go live but there is one hick-up. The problem at this moment is that we cannot change the nameserver. Where the domain is registere...
von harrieklomp
01.04.2018, 18:03
Forum: Public discussion
Thema: New way of caching
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 24520

New way of caching

It is perhaps only once a year but take a look at https://opencaching.pl  :bounce:
von harrieklomp
27.09.2017, 13:20
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: Neuer Übersetzungsworkflow
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 14608

Re: Neuer Übersetzungsworkflow

[quote="teiling88"] Good news harrieklomp, I created an export from oc -> crowdin. So there should be all available Language Strings there. [/quote] That is great. Thanks  :) Good reason to continue my work on this [quote="teiling88"] I can reimport your created translations to t...
von harrieklomp
15.09.2017, 16:01
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: Neuer Übersetzungsworkflow
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 14608

Re: Neuer Übersetzungsworkflow


I created an import from crowdin to the legacy translation system. Some bugs are present but I will fix them.

Thanks  :)
von harrieklomp
15.09.2017, 15:27
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: Neuer Übersetzungsworkflow
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 14608

Re: Neuer Übersetzungsworkflow

Nice to see that this translation is active (i hope it is correct)  :)

I did translate a big part to Dutch but it never showed on the German OC site. I do wonder if the Dutch translation is switched on?
Is it possible to activate the Dutch translations so i can continue my work?

von harrieklomp
29.04.2017, 16:36
Forum: Technik
Thema: OC.NL down?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5503

Re: OC.NL down?

I have found another solution to show the status from Opencaching sites. More Opencaching sites can be added and it is possible that nodes receive alerts when other or their own site is down. These alerts can be send to any other mail address. For example when oc.de goes down other nodes can receive...
von harrieklomp
25.04.2017, 15:58
Forum: Technik
Thema: OC.NL down?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5503

Re: OC.NL down?

We are online again with many thanks to ra_sch  :)
von harrieklomp
25.04.2017, 13:54
Forum: Technik
Thema: OC.NL down?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5503

Re: OC.NL down?

Hello all, I will do it in English because my German writing is not readable  ;) OCNL is off line for 3 days now. The reason was to much errors in DB and that showed also on the site itself. After some research it showed that both disks had bad sectors. ra_sch is busy for 2 days now to help with tec...
von harrieklomp
27.03.2017, 06:43
Forum: Public discussion
Thema: opencaching.gr
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 23472

Re: opencaching.gr

[quote="kourampies"] I've been considering creating a Greek site for opencaching for some time. Geocaching isn't really popular here, and Groundspeak "pay or leave" policies are scaring away any potential new users. I've been reading about the opencaching sites, and it makes sens...
von harrieklomp
20.06.2016, 10:13
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: GoogleMaps violation of the "terms of service"
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 8452

Re: GoogleMaps violation of the "terms of service"

I did see it was on the test site, but it could also be implemented in the main site  :)
von harrieklomp
19.06.2016, 17:31
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: GoogleMaps violation of the "terms of service"
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 8452

Re: GoogleMaps violation of the "terms of service"

[quote="teiling88"] [quote="harrieklomp"] It is no problem that you use free google maps. Ihe problem with goole maps is that the word ,"Google" is used on non Google maps. Like on the left bottom of OCM map. Just remove the word Google from this map. Than it is no prob...
von harrieklomp
17.06.2016, 00:57
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: GoogleMaps violation of the "terms of service"
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 8452

Re: GoogleMaps violation of the "terms of service"

It is no problem that you use free google maps. Ihe problem with goole maps is that the word ,"Google" is used on non Google maps. Like on the left bottom of OCM map. Just remove the word Google from this map. Than it is no problem.