Our OC Code in Version 3.0.19 was deployed this Week [GIT LINK] and we call it "THE BIG BANG RELEASE".
See the Git-Link for Details.
We did a lot...
Commits: 353 incl. merge commits
Added rows: 95.756
Deleted rows: 124.719
Changed rows: 1.374
What did we change?
- We did a refactoring on our source code to meet PSR-1/PSR-2 coding standards
- We integrate composer for an easier deployment of third party dependencies
- We did the first major changes to meet namespaces and PSR-4 standards
- We start our first automated Frontend Tests
- We reactivate forgotten Unit-Tests
- We start to implement "Symfony" as our new Framework
- Our first "Symfony" based feature is called "Fieldnotes Upload"
- We integrate "scrutinizer" for a better code quality and controlling
- We remove old usage of "tab" by spaces

With our new Roadmap - we call you to help!
We also start to use crowdin for translation.
If you can support our project - we invite you to join our translation team by using this link:
If your supported language is still missing, contact our "Project Managers" or "Admin" to unlock a new language.
On any other questions feel free to ask.