iphone/android app wants to join

You want to get involved in the Opencaching Network?
Beiträge: 6624
Registriert: 04.12.2009, 00:31

Hello everybody!
The following info rushed in to oc.de-team:
I am the developer of "Cache Me". It is an application on both iPhone
and Android. The purpose of the application is to let geocachers
easily search and log caches on their smart phone. It is a free
software, you can download it from iTunes or Android market if you are
interested. "Cache Me" now can search the caches on "opencaching.com",
I think it will be awesome if "Cache Me" can also search/log caches on
opencaching.de. Is it possible to do that?
Here is a link to their app:

Our first concern was that it looks too much like Garmins site oc.com.
So they send us more infos:
Sorry that I didn't introduce our company at first. Our company is a
GPS software company. We have nothing to do with "Opencaching.com",
nor Garmin. We develop "Cache Me" because we think an open cache data
with open APIs is a good idea for both users and 3rd party companies.
As soon as we learn that "Opencaching.de" also provide APIs, we hope
we can support it. Of course, we will change the current "Cache Me"
outlooks, so your users will not confuse "opencaching.com" and
"opencaching.de". Please let me know if you still have other concerns
or questions.
So we think it´s now a good time for developing the API with all the features
which are required from an external request (like CacheMe).
I will now point the devloper to this thread, so that he can join this discussion.

Best wishes, Mic@
Zuletzt geändert von mic@ am 18.01.2011, 12:47, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

I agree 100%!!!!