Teamspeak meeting on node synchronisation and common source options

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Hi @all,

i want to invite you to talk about current todo's of the individual nodes, node synchronisation (data exchange) and options for a common code base.

Any suggestions about the time of the meeting?
Who will join this meeting? (what UTC offset is your timezone?)
Who can write down the concepts after that meeting?

From my experience with internal teamspeak meetings, the meetings should be planned for 3 to 4 hours. We should find a good time to do that. Maybe Saturday or Sunday at 15:00 or 16:00 UTC. This would enable US to join in the early morning and russia in the late afternoon ...

Other suggestions?

With kind regards,


It is OK but for me problem becasue at my work I have restricted access to Internet and I can not use any IM and similar programs. At hoem OK but I have access via GPRS it is not useful to use any voice communications but I will try invite on this meeting friends from OC PL Team

I'd love to join but won't be able to because of the time difference.

It is OK but for me problem becasue at my work I have restricted access to Internet and I can not use any IM and similar programs. At hoem OK but I have access via GPRS it is not useful to use any voice communications but I will try invite on this meeting friends from OC PL Team

So, you need to use your GPRS connection for teamspeak? What upstream/downstream do you have?

I don't know upstream/downstream  but I was try use Skype and without success but I can try to use Teamspeak

It is possible make test ? Please write servername, port etc any info to try connect and check to use TeamSpeak3 client
Beiträge: 6626
Registriert: 04.12.2009, 00:31

[quote="sp2ong"]Please write servername, port etc any info to try connect and check to use TeamSpeak3 client[/quote]
You got mail (trademark AOL)

He already got a private message ;D

Hi @all,

i want to invite you to talk about current todo's of the individual nodes, node synchronisation (data exchange) and options for a common code base.


Other suggestions?

With kind regards,


Hi Oliver,

I probably could attend if I know time of the meeting in advance. But, I am rather skeptical about it... my personal belief that phone meetings are not very effective (compared to face-to-face meetings).

Below some (assorted) thoughts:

* What the agenda of the meeting? I think it worth to publish agenda before the meeting, to let people be prepared.
* What the decision making process? (E. g. voting with simple majority, or consensus; or consultative (somebody listen for all the opinions and make a decision), whatever else?)

Agenda: Talking about topics like node synchronisation concepts, differences in OC code, OC rules and so on. Some basic concepts.

My personal goal would be to inform about the synchronisation concept and the smarty eninge. I think that discussions here in the forum are more easy when some of the people got a deeper look into OC code and the synchronisation concept.

"Making the decisions" is not the goal of the meetings - the decisions should be made here in the forum.

Is any date and time suggested for the meeting?

@sp2ong: Did you have success with teamspeak over GPRS?

@OlofL: We have no fixed date until now.
It seems that only 2 or 3 people would join if we make a meeting - i think this can be done without long-term-planning ...
...  is it okay at 1/1/2011 at 16:00 UTC? Or maybe tomorrow 12/29/2011 at 18:30 UTC?

I think that both suggested dates would work for me.

@sp2ong: Did you have success with teamspeak over GPRS?

@OlofL: We have no fixed date until now.
It seems that only 2 or 3 people would join if we make a meeting - i think this can be done without long-term-planning ...
...  is it okay at 1/1/2011 at 16:00 UTC? Or maybe tomorrow 12/29/2011 at 18:30 UTC?

Yes I have try but without success, maybe when I have connect with EDGE it will be OK but simple GPRS with low quality link it is big problem. I don't know that anybody was from OC PL side ?
Did you have record conference to mp3 file ? It maybe will be useful to others to listen not online.

[quote="sp2ong"]Yes I have try but without success, maybe when I have connect with EDGE it will be OK but simple GPRS with low quality link it is big problem. I don't know that anybody was from OC PL side ?
Did you have record conference to mp3 file ? It maybe will be useful to others to listen not online.[/quote]

Maybe you can listen to the meeting without sending voice?
There is also a chat window where you could write text while we are talking.

Recording the meetings to mp3 may not be good. Most of us have no excellent english and we also talk about concepts that should not left the developer peoples. You know, finding the right words is more difficult when you must think of peoples that listen it later and cannot ask "what?" ... and of course, we may talk about things that does not relate to OC.

I think the best way is to summarize the meeting in the forum when required.
And/Or improve the documentation when required.