API for OpenCaching.DE (and other sites)

You want to get involved in the Opencaching Network?

Where do I find the terms of service?


Note, that the terms of service ARE NOT part of OKAPI. These are provided by OC node itself. In other words, terms of service for OKAPI installed on OCDE may differ. Currently all other OC nodes chose to simply copy OCPL's terms of service contents.
Beiträge: 6627
Registriert: 04.12.2009, 00:31

@wrygiel: It´s good to see You online again  ;)
Have You talked to Peter ("following") yet? He is building up the oc.de development environment,
and with his help You can add OKAPI functionality to oc.de!

@wrygiel: It´s good to see You online again  ;)
Have You talked to Peter ("following") yet? He is building up the oc.de development environment,
and with his help You can add OKAPI functionality to oc.de!

I just sent him an email :)

There are some things we need to think of first. E.g. OKAPI has a separate "mother" repository and it's best if it stayed this way (all commits go there). This way, we implicitly state that "all OC nodes are equal", and force all OKAPI developers to keep OKAPI compatible across all OC nodes.
Zuletzt geändert von wrygiel am 17.08.2012, 11:21, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 273
Registriert: 07.10.2012, 21:06

Hello everybody.

By posting here I want to signal my interest in this topic as a geocaching-app developer (member of the c:geo team). As my personal interest in opencaching.de revitalised lately I was looking for ways to integrate it into c:geo.
I took a look at the xml-api. While it is sufficiently easy to use (it took me just a few hours to experimentally integrate it into search and live-map) its feature-set is not well suited for our app (e.g. no user-specific information on the cache like found and no write access), so I would like to ask for the state of things regarding OKAPI-integration (that we have already for the supporting sites) or what other possibilities exist for a seamless integration of opencaching.de into our app.


Beiträge: 160
Registriert: 04.11.2014, 10:10

Reviving this discussion to keep OKAPI stuff at one place. I'll start a new thread if you prefer this.

I just started to experiment with OKAPI and I'm wondering how easy (and efficient) it would be to search for attributes. Mainly to get result sets of only those caches which are opencaching-only, but the general ability would be nice too.

Can one expect evolution in this direction or is the general idea how to use OKAPI to replicate the entire database when a detailed analysis is desired.